About Us
“We consistently work to build value for our members and partners in new and innovative ways, advancing existing businesses, and attracting new economic opportunities.”
As the Voice of the Small Business of Central Florida, the Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce of Central Florida (PRCCCF) works to ensure the region is a vibrant and prosperous place to carryout business while developing lasting relationships.
The PRCCCF seeks to maintain and enhance a strong socially responsible business climate based on the principles of free enterprise and fair profit in our communities. We are committed to advancing existing businesses and attracting new economic opportunities and constructively influencing public policy to support entrepreneurship.
We value the culture and diversity, while embracing economic prosperity and innovation as key components to the quality of life we enjoy. We consistently work to build value for our members and partners in new and innovative ways.

To become an influential voice of the business community by being a Chamber of Commerce that embodies integrity, credibility and an advocacy for the entrepreneurial spirit.